Take me to the river!

This initiativeled by the City of Moline, Renew Moline and a multidisciplinary teamwill create a compelling vision and supporting implementation plan for a re-imagined Moline riverfront.

Downtown Moline has had considerable success in redevelopment in the last 20 years, but like other downtowns around the country, it also has its share of empty storefronts, vacant property and underdeveloped parcels. The construction of the new I-74 bridge presents a unique opportunity to redevelop areas of Downtown Moline that once laid under the existing interstate highway. This process, building on years of planning and input, will result in a thoughtful and creative integration of development, open space and associated infrastructure. 

This planning and design process will embrace engagement and aspires to both community and ecological resilience, improving health and wellness for all ages and catalyzing future investment within downtown Moline and along the Mississippi River.


The River Front + Center Plan will cover the primary area, generally described as the Mississippi River to the north, 7th Avenue to the south, 23th Street to the east and 18th Street to the east. A secondary area expands the plan area to the east to 25th Street.